About Me

My name is Julie Reulbach and I love to teach! I am passionate about technology, and want students to understand the mathematics that they are doing.

I have a BS in Mathematics from Marshall University in WV and a MaEd from Wake Forest University in NC. I did my first year of graduate school at Wake Forest University in Mathematics. I discovered my love for teaching by substitute teaching in the area high schools in graduate school. So, I switched from Mathematics to Mathematics Education. I have taught in public, private, and charter schools, as well as community college.  Early in my career I left teaching for a few years to try out the “business world”, where I worked as a Research Director for Time Warner Cable’s advertising division and an a Research Analyst for American Express.  I enjoyed the work, but my heart called me back to teaching!

I love getting involved and helping other teachers!  I am a Desmos Fellow, Cohort 1. I love working with other math educators and often speak about math education at conferences. In 2018, I was fortunate enough to give a keynote at TMC18 on Teacher Leadership.

I hope that this blog will help out other teachers!  You can also follow me on Mastodon and Twitter as @jreulbach.


Twitter – Follow @jreulbach

Presentations / Publications:

  • Presenter, NCTM National Conference, Washington DC, Oct 2023
  • Invited Featured Speaker, “Assessments with Desmos”, Math Symposium, Idaho, Sept 2023
  • Invited Speaker, Debate Math, “Let’s Get Digital“, Aug 2023
  • Invited Ignite Speaker, CMC South National Conference, Palm Springs, CA, Nov 2022
  • Presenter, CMC South National Conference, “Assessments with Desmos” Nov 2022
  • Presenter, NCTM Regional Conference, “Assessments with Desmos” Feb 2022
  • Presenter, Desmos Webinar, “Assessments with Desmos” March 2020
  • Featured Speaker, NCTM National Conference, “Assessment with Desmos” April 2019
  • Presenter, CPM National Conference, “Desmofy Your CPM Lesson” Feb. 2019
  • Presenter, NCCTM, “Desmos Activity Builder” and “Assessment with Desmos” Nov 2018
  • Keynote Speaker, “Teacher Leaders“, TMC National Conference, July 2018
  • Presenter, “Assessmos – Assessment with Desmos “ TMC National Conference, July 2018
  • Desmos Fellows – Cohort 3, Desmos Headquarters, San Francisco, CA
  • Presenter, “Assessment with Desmos Activity Builder” July 2018
  • Keynote Speaker, NCCTM Regional Conference
  • Presenter, “Desmos Activity Builder” March 2018
  • Presenter, NCCTM State Conference, “Desmos Activity Builder” Nov 2017
  • Presenter, NCAIS State Conference, “Desmos Activity Builder” Oct 2017
  • Presenter, TMC National Conference, “Introduction to Pear Deck” July 2015
  • Featured Presenter, NCTM Regional Conference “Tweet, Connect, Repeat” Nov 2015
  • Contributing Author, “Nix the Trix”, Math Education Book. Nov 2013

Professional Leadership:
Author, Math Teaching Blog I Speak Math, ispeakmath.org, 2010 – Present
More than 11,000 subscribers. Approximately 2.6 million views.

Desmos Fellow, Cohorts 1 – 3, 2016 – Present
Awarded a fellowship to receive advanced Desmos training
for the purpose of training other teachers to use Desmos.

Pear Deck Certified Coach, 2016 – 2019
Selected to participate in advanced Pear Deck training. Lead
workshops and seminars to teach other teachers Pear Deck.

Math Teacher Café, 2017
Created a mini-conference for teachers in the Charlotte area.

Board of Directors, The Global Math Department, 2012 – 2015
The Global Math Department hosts weekly instructional webinars for mathematics teachers
around the globe.

Invited speaker for launch episode, MathOut Ed Postcast, 2014
A podcast featuring the best ideas and resources in the world of math education.

Co-developer, “Explore the MTBoS” Initiative, 2013
An 8-week initiative to encourage and support math teachers in online professional development,
including Twitter, Blogging, and Webinars.

Math Subject Chat Organizer, Twitter, 2013 – 2018
Coordinated chat leaders and organized weekly math chats by discipline on Twitter.
Created a Math Chat Wiki to organize and archive the chats.

Middle School Facilitator, Twitter Math Camp, Philadelphia, PA, 2013
Co-led a four-hour workshop with teachers to explore ways to better organize the topics and
create teaching resources in the middle school mathematics curriculum.

Co-Developer, “Math Blogging Initiation”, 2012
A 4-week blogging initiative to encourage and assist teachers to blog about math education.

Developer – Math Teachers Wiki Page, 2010
Public, open source wiki of resources for mathematics teachers. 2010

Follow Me on Pinterest
Creative Commons License
I Speak Math Materials by Julie Reulbach is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at https://ispeakmath.wordpress.com.

90 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi Julie

    I love the fact that you decided to call your blog “I Speak Math”, although I would change that to “I Speak Maths”, being British! I’d love to know why you chose that as your title, because I firmly believe that mathematics is a language, and that many of the problems that everyone has with mathematics is down to the fact that it is not taught as though it were a language. Anyway, that is my theory! My main research interest is the effect that the language used to teach mathematics has on the actual learning… Welcome to the world of blogging, and Twitter. I’ll look forward to seeing you on #mathchat sometime!

    P.S. You might enjoy my post: http://colintgraham.wordpress.com/2010/07/18/mathematics-for-speakers-of-other-languages/

  2. Colin,

    Thanks for the comment. I chose that name because so many students can do the math, but cannot talk the math. If I say, “you cannot reduce that because it is part of a term” I get blank stares. If I SHOW them what I mean they get it. I believe that many math teachers teach the math but then rely on the shortcuts. These shortcuts eliminate the “language” of math. What I would like to do is to bring the language of mathematics back to students. I am with you. It will be vocabulary intensive and like learning a different language. But, I believe that imprecise language can cause much confusion. My favorite example is “reducing” a fraction instead of “simplifying”. The value is NOT reduced, it is the same. The numbers are just smaller (simpler).

    You have a very interesting theory and I would love to hear how it turns out!

  3. HI Julie,

    When did you write your first blog? It appears to be recently…

    I have 3 girls 8, 6, and 3 and am 7 months pregnant. I taught algebra as an adjunct at community college for the last 12 months and feel I have found my calling! I cannot believe how much I enjoy it! But more about me and my issues later… =-)

    I perused a few of your homework posts and I, too, have struggled with this. I refuse to grade or give any points towards it on the basis that I teach at college and adults are paying money to be there. (Similarly, I do not feel it is appropriate to give points for attendance, but again this is another discussion entirely.) However, if it is not graded, students don’t bother to do it. I agree with your assigning the odds philosophy, but it is still hard to know how many problems are enough to know the students get it.

    One (seemingly obvious?) solution is to use some software that allows students to do “randomly generated” problems where each student has different numbers, but the same type and difficulty of problem. The software immediately “grades” the problem for you and the student. I require 80% off the hmwk to be correct to get credit for the hmwk — trying to get mastery.

    Students can practice as much (or little) as they choose since the numbers are randomly generated. If a student gets 50%, they can review and practice and then try again until the 80% is achieved.

    Of course, I do not know if your school has the funds, etc. to support this. Also, it can be hard to “go over homework” when everyone has different numbers for the same problem.

    Just curious if you have ever looked into homework software such as this before and your thoughts.

    So nice to find your blog!

    PS Do you teach high school level?

  4. Pingback: Why Educators Blog | Nick Coon

  5. Hi Julie/Mrs. Reulbach! This is one of your former students at FCD 🙂 I have great memories of your math class, and it’s amazing to find your blog. After high school, I got my undergrad. and masters degree from Virginia Tech. I taught elem. special ed. for 3 years. Then for 4 years, I helped teachers integrate technology into their curriculum through projects in the classroom, workshops, and lab lessons. After switching counties to be closer to home, I just took a position as a special ed./math teacher in a public middle school near Richmond, VA. I was searching for ideas for my new role, and came across this blog with a profile picture that looked very familiar! Sounds like you’re doing very well. Thank you so much for being an inspiration to your students and other teachers!

    Carrie (Danforth) S.

  6. Carrie,
    It is so wonderful to hear from you! I am so glad that you are a teacher. I remember how sweet you were and your amazing smile – I am sure that your students love you! I am new to all of this technology and just finished my first year at a project based school. I bet that you have fabulous ideas and projects and would love to talk to you more and share ideas. Are you on Twitter or Google+ yet? There are many math educators (and technology educators) on both and we are always sharing ideas and brainstorming. I am jreulbach on Twitter and will send you a G+ invite. Please come on over and I will introduce you to everyone. : )


  7. Hi Julie,

    I am a retired university math professor and I have had many, many students who were ill-prepared for college mathematics (in one incoming freshman class, 60% placed in High School Remedial Math).

    Most of those students had a bad attitude towards math and lacked confidence with it. According to my analysis, in general, their problems could be traced all the way back to elementary school.

    I am now dedicated to developing a website where parents and teachers can send their students to make sure they have mastered the basics at their grade level. This will give them confidence, which will generate a good attitude towards math.

    The student goal is simply to color a grid and the parent/teacher involvement is simply to encourage that and to enjoy watching the grid fill with the proper colors.

    Students get caught up in the grid-coloring process and they enjoy the celebration animations that follow each improvement. Parents and teachers love the simple colorized on-screen progress reports.

    The site is evolving at http://www.arithmequick.com . If you would like to evaluate it, I would be happy to give you a free account to check it out.

    Sincerely . . . Chuck

  8. Hello! I am currently teaching 2nd grade and will be looping up to 3rd grade next year. It is my 2nd year teaching and I love everyday and every adventure. I really enjoy reading your blog and getting ideas… It’s such a unique profession that we can all share and grow with each other. I’m nervous about the stress of high stakes testing next year. If you have any ideas or suggestions please let me know. I am going to a Singapore math workshop this summer as well. Thanks for sharing your blog and experience!

    • Hey Beth,

      I just noticed that my reply to you did not post back in March. I’m sorry! I’m so glad that you found my blog. Our lower school is using part of the Singapore math for their curriculum this coming year. I’m excited to see what it is all about as I have heard great things about it. I may even get to attend a training before school starts. Let me know how you like it.

  9. I’m a 4th grade math teacher in Texas! I just came across your blog and LOVE what I see so far (and the title, as I strive every day to get my students to SPEAK math!). I look forward to reading more!!

  10. Hello!I’m a 6th,7th and 8th grade math and science teacher in Italy. I was very impressed by the passion you put in your job. I love my profession too and I’d like to Know something about your way of teaching. If anyone want to share some experiences with me , my e-mail is baloccosara@gmail.com .
    Sorry for my bad use of your language.

    • Hey Sara! I just noticed that my reply to you did not get posted back in April (iPhone app?). I would love to talk with you about teaching. I’m on Twitter so you can ask me a question anytime. I would love to see how things are done differently in Italy as well.

      • What a surprise! I was looking for your reply when I wrote to you and I didn’t find it.
        I followed your blog anyway and only now I realize that you answered to me. I’ m so happy!
        I like the way you teach as it seems to me your activities are always funny and linked to experience.
        I’m trying to do something like this in my classes too.

  11. I love to find other bloggers who have are passionate about math. I teach remedial math to college students who I classify as “Mathphobics”. Most of them hate math, and my goal is to change their attitude by the end of the semester. They want to learn, but just need many different strategies outside of the book. Thanks for sharing your passion as well.

    • Thank you for your comment. I taught students from the inner city my first few years of teaching. Many of them hated math and they all hated traditional instruction. They did not start learning (or learning to like math) until I started experimenting with different strategies. I always say that they taught ME how to teach. Good luck with your students and changing their attitudes. It can be done! 🙂

  12. Hi Julie! I just found your blog through a post on Pinterest. I haven’t been on Facebook or Pinterest long…just this year. I thought I was going to have another year to prepare for teaching a class and remembering the math but a local academy contacted me about filling their vacancy for a high school math teacher (their teacher left unexpectedly). I have been out of college since 1999 and basically haven’t used my math degree since then. I am very nervous but I want to engage the students with new teaching strategies like those you have suggested on your blog. I also agree that students need to learn how to speak math…understanding word problems is one of the hardest concepts for students to grasp. Thank you very much for sharing your ideas and beliefs! Also, any suggestions you may have for the high school level will be appreciated!

    Best Regards,

    • Hi Heidi,

      That sounds very exciting. It’s hard not to be nervous with your first teaching job but I am sure you will do great! Are you on Twitter? I get some of my best ideas (and support on those hard days) from the math teachers there. Also, Bowman composed some letters from amazing teachers on his blog. They are written to first year teachers. The link is http://bowmandickson.com/2012/06/23/letters-to-a-first-year-teacher-the-compilation/.
      My biggest piece of advice was something I once heard and have found to be very true in the classroom. The person doing the most work (talking, working problems) is the one doing the most learning. As the teacher, this should not be you.
      Good luck and let me know if you have any questions. 🙂

  13. Hi Julie,
    My name is April and I came across your blog a few weeks ago. I just graduated this past May and embarking on my job search to land my first teaching gig. I love math and finding ways to integrate technology into math. Your blog really fits my needs. Your blog could have definitely help me during my student teaching. Your blog have inspire me to find better ways to teach math as well as refuel my passion for math. Keep up the awesome work!!

    • Hi April! I’m so glad that my blog could help you. There is a blogpost that contains letters addressed to new teachers. I’ll find it and post the link here so you can read them. They are fabulous! We are hiring at my school in Davidson, NC. It is The Woodlawn School. Good luck with your job search!

  14. Hi Julie,

    I am so glad that I found you on twitter and have started to follow your blog! I have taught fifth grade for the past decade and am making a change this year to teach math 6 and 7. I am excited and nervous and overwhelmed all at the same time! I am eager to follow many incredible teachers as I transition into this new part of my life.

    Take care,

    P.S. I have two boys- 2 and 5- so I can completely relate to the energy and busy schedules they bring;)

    • Hi Christie, I’m so glad you found me and are enjoying my blog! You will love 6th and 7th, there are so many fun math activities that you can do with that age! Please feel free to ask me questions on Twitter when they come up. 🙂 I have a growing list of middle school math teachers on there. It is very exciting!

  15. Hi Julie,
    I am Sherylyn from Guam and I started teaching here in 2009. I teach 7th grade Math and I am pursuing my Masters degree. I’ve checked several blogs and I find your own really interesting. I found myself reading in your website for how many hours and lost track of time LOL. Anyways, I really learned and acquired more ideas for me to incorporate in my class and I’ve never been more excited to go back to work 🙂 Thank you…and please continue to be an inspiration to all teachers all over the world.

    • Sherylyn,
      Welcome to my blog! Thank you for your wonderful comment. I am so glad that you found activities that helped you. I would love for you to jump in and join us as well!

  16. Hello Julie – I love your blog! Math is so important and as a mother of a 10 year old boy, I see every day how creative teaching engages him and encourages him to tackle difficult concepts. Thank you for your work!

    I am a documentary filmmaker working on a project about a group of middle school-aged African American boys who attend a math camp each summer from 8th – 12th grade. You can read about our project here: http://www.tinyurl.com/strongmoveskickstarter. I would be grateful for any help you might be able to give us in spreading the word about our project.

    Wishing you all the best in the great work that you are doing!
    Karen McMillen

    P.S. I’m hoping you have a chance to review this before it appears on your site! I tried to find a way to email you privately. If this appears without review, I apologize in advance!

  17. Hell!
    I love your site! I’m a middle school math teacher and found you on pinterest. I saw a foldable on slope but then when I click on to your page I can’t seem to find it. Can you lead me in the right direction? Would love to see how you created it.

  18. Hey Julie, I finally read your “About Me” and saw that you went to Wake Forest–I went to Wake Forest undergrad and got my MaED from there, too! Crazy that it’s such a small world (you blogged about my blog in the New Blogger Initiation). Go Deacs!!

      • No. I visited summer of 2010 and 2011 to speak to the new students so you wouldn’t have been there. It’s such a great program! Did you present in Greensboro at the NCCTM? I went to that in 2009.

      • Yes, I actually did present–I gave a lesson I created about sound and logarithms (it was weird never having been a teacher and showing teachers lessons…)

        Oh, but my wife was actually a new teacher in 2010, although we were still on our honeymoon at the beginning of July–do you remember when you presented? Was it only to the math student teachers? (She teachers Social Studies.)

      • Then I did meet you! I was w Dr. McCoy. I was in the room when you all were setting up! She introduced me to everyone.

        And, it was early summer when I visited Wake in 2010 so I probably did miss your wife.

      • That’s awesome!! I’m sorry that I do not remember meeting anyone in particular–I was probably a little nervous right before my first presentation at a teaching conference, but I’m glad you remembered! Thanks again for helping with the Blogging Initiation!

  19. Hi Julie,

    My name is Khushali and I work with Relay Graduate School of Education designing the math courses that teachers in our program take. I’m currently working on a course that covers numbers and operations, and would love to be able to share your post and foldable for using “GEMS” in the classroom. If possible, I’d like to post the GEMS template in our online interface. Teachers enrolled in our program have access to this online system through an individual log in and password. The post would also include the original blog post and credits to the post. Please let me know if you have any questions!


  20. Hi Julie, My name is Jennifer Richard and I found your webpage from a link on Pinterest. I am looking for a printable on your website regarding “Words into Math”. I was wondering if you might not be able to send me that link…

  21. Hi Jennifer: I am so excited I found your “I speak Math” blog on pinterest. I teach 8th grade Algebra and Pre-Algebra, love my job and always looking to improve. I love your creativity and philosophy. I will be “stealing” lots of your ideas :>)…I also went to WFU (a long time ago) and taught in Charlotte until we moved back north to the gloom and cold. Can you tell I miss NC?
    Thanks for sharing all of your awesome ideas! I had never heard of desmos.com but it is now going to be my new favorite website…so cool!

    • Hi Dianne! I went to WFU a long time ago too! lol! Were you in the Math Ed program or the Math Grad program? I moved to Ohio after living in NC for a while and could not wait to get back. I got really spoiled by the mild weather and absolutely hate the cold! Thanks for saying Hi! 🙂

  22. Hi Julie!
    I am writing to you on behalf of RoboNET. We have lately discovered your blog and were really impressed with your creative ideas for teaching.

    We are the authors of a RoboCAMP educational platform that offers courses for children aged 6-13. Since we have just started selling our product in the US, we are looking for feedback from our users. Because of your wonderful teaching ideas presented on your blog, we would be really excited to hear your opinion. Therefore we would like to offer you our product for free in return for your feedback.
    You can check out our offer at http://www.robocamp.eu
    I look forward to hearing from you,
    Anna Wirecka (awirecka@robocamp.eu)

  23. Hi, I just came across your blog and thought it was awesome, seeing stuff like this is really great in my first year teaching alg 1. I also had a specific question about your graphing stories presentation. How did you make those graphs in google spreadsheets, I can’t seem to figure that out!!! Please email back if you get a chance at jgwarren33@gmail.com


  24. Pingback: 2013 in Review for Surviving to Thriving | From Surviving to Thriving

  25. Hi Julie!

    As a proponent of math education in the United States, we need your help to promote our nationwide math competition by blogging or posting about it on your blog/forum!

    As you probably already know, despite the fact that the US spends the most money on education per capita, our students are ranked 25th globally for math proficiency. The MATHCOUNTS Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to improving that statistic. MATHCOUNTS’ third annual “ Math Video Challenge” is a math competition for 6th to 8th graders that encourages student innovation as they create and star in their own math videos, thus exciting them to pursue higher education in math.

    As the webmaster of this awesome blog, we are asking you to help support this effort by mentioning us in your next blog or forum post or promoting our logo with a link to the site. So far this contest has gathered over 500 submissions and millions of views on the videos. Our goal this year is this year is to do even better. With your help, we are confident we will reach this goal.

    For more information on MATHCOUNTS or the Math Video Challenge, visit our webpages at mathcounts.org and videochallenge.mathcounts.org/math-camera-action.

    Jake byrnes

  26. Hi!
    I’m Stacy Galvan and I’m a representative of Studygeek.org . We are a team of people crazy about math. Now our site is a place with free tools for finding solutions for math problems. Currently, we are going to launch a new service of checking homework of our guests before their assignment go to their teachers, so that their performance will be better.
    That’s why we would love our new service to get featured in the Internet. So, would you mind posting a guest post dedicated to this I want to emphasize once again that it is about checking homework NOT doing it. I think that the info about this will be useful for your visitors.
    Looking forward to hearing your decision.

  27. Hi!
    I’m Brian Johnson, Academichelp.net manager. I have just found your resource https://ispeakmath.org/

    Our team launched our project just recently and it has quickly gained popularity among students and teachers. Our resource is visited by more than 120,000 students and teachers per month.

    Our website includes lots of materials, resources and guidelines for academic writing. We have also tailored a great number of writing samples. Additionally, our writing experts answer live questions that come from website visitors.

    Taking this into consideration, I think that our website will be highly appreciated by your website visitors. Please do visit our website and if you find it interesting please consider adding it to your website to URL

    I’ll greatly appreciate your input.

    If you happen to have some questions regarding the website, I am always ready to answer them.

    Brian Johnson

  28. Hey Julie,
    I really loved your blog and I specially found it interesting how you’ve name your blog ‘I Speak Math’.
    Well I would also like to share a little something with you. I along with my colleagues have built a math based adventure game for the students of 3rd to 8th grade. It also allows teachers to create classes and get daily/weekly/monthly reports of all their classes. I would really appreciate if you could check it out and share it with your followers : http://www.wizenworld.com. Here’s the link to the introduction video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLXn2FbFZgg.
    Would love to know your feedback!
    Raunaq Sachdev

  29. Hey Julie,

    I’m a mathematics education phd student looking into mathematics teacher blogs as a source of professional development. Would you be willing to answer a set of questions about your blogging experience via email?

    Thanks in advance!

  30. Hi Julie,
    I am a huge fan of your blog, I was wondering if you have tips on how you broke down your 6th grade school year – what units did you start with? Thank you!!

  31. Hi, Julie — Great blog! I also keep a blog at angymath.com on my rather idiosyncratic take on the difficulties and disconnects we have teaching community college math, when so many of our students are lacking junior-high-school or even middle-school arithmetic skills.

    More to that point, I recently developed a site to give laser-focus practice on those specific skills that I see to be the most common stumbling blocks (such as times tables, negative numbers, and order-of-operations). Designed to give a quick quiz on those skills that can be used every day on a desktop or a mobile device as students are commuting. Hope it helps our students,


  32. Hi Julie. I have a question about grading that I hope you can help with. I am a student teacher and was out sick Tuesday. My CT gave 2 of my classes a mid-chapter quiz but didn’t realize we had not covered the last section. I told the students we would take a different mid-chapter quiz once we completed that section and I would take the better grade of the two. Well, I did not think about it beforehand and I gave them a new mid-chapter quiz that only had 14 questions and the original quiz had 25 questions. How do I compare the 2 quizzes to see how the students improved? Thanks so much.

  33. Such a great blog. It makes me miss teaching days. For any of you awesome math bloggers who would be willing to conduct a free product giveaway of my company’s “The Six Million Digits of Pi Poster”, please let me know. It’s a wonderful educational tool since it gets kids to be interested in pi and using a magnifier – reading the almost 6 million microscopic digits that the 18×24″ poster contains. All I ask is a mention and a link on your blog.

    Please take a look, there’s no other math poster like it.

    Thanks for your time.

  34. Julie – Hi ! Geostruct is now a web page on the net. Do have a go and let me know what you think about it. There is one important thing about it, which is that I see the coordinate system as something which is chosen carefully and applied to the real world situation, and not the conventional way round. You will see what I mean…
    Anyway, here goes:
    to get geostruct from the net


    and to download the .doc basics file

    http://www.mathcomesalive.com/geostruct/geostruct basics.doc

    (only 5 pages !)

    It works best in Internet explorer.

    Howard (Saving School Math)

  35. Hey Ms Julie,

    Hope you’re having a great day!

    I’m doing an expert roundup on my site and I think many new Math teachers using education technology products in their classroom like me would love to know your answer to this question :

    If you could only use 3 Education technology tools/apps/sites for your teaching which 3 tools would you choose? e.g. WolframAlpha, KhanAcademy and Inside Mathematics.

    Thanks in advance!

    As soon as I’m done compiling the results, I would inform and link back to your blog.

    Thank you!

  36. Pingback: Other Teacher Blogs! | eboothblog

  37. Julie, I spend the normal amount of ADD time searching your site for posts relating to “Why we show our work” i did not find in my incredibly lazy attempt anything specifically targeting this math content and attitude hurdle. Do you have any blogs or other content to help teach “Why we show our work” ? I am thinking of writing a whitepaper to help teach/learn this domain after recent experiences with my son’s Algebra teacher. In History, we worship the kid who will not accept facile facts, but the reasoning of why we learn to show our work seems to get short shrift. The kids who get it do not need the lesson, the kids who as math savants (in their own heads, forgive the pun) need desperately to have access to the many faceted habit we are trying to create.

  38. Hi Julie!

    Sorry to post in a comment, couldn’t find your email…

    I’m the creator of Tessalation!, a children’s picture book about patterns and wonder. This is a very special project to me, since it combines my love of pattern and my desire to encourage girls’ interest in math and science.

    Here’s the website for the book:


    I launched a Kickstarter yesterday and am lining up journalists and bloggers who would be interested in posting the video trailer or writing about the campaign. I would also be thankful for a simple tweet, anything to get the word out.

    Here’s the book trailer.

    I’m putting together some extras for bloggers to use, like these coloring pages made directly from the book. Happy to send you some PDF’s if you’re interested!


    Let me know if you have any questions. I’d be thrilled if you would share the story or even just take a look at it. I’ll pass you a link for the campaign when it goes live.

    Thank you for your time!

    Best regards,


  39. Hi Julie and all other math loving teachers!

    I am excited to share with you a new website, http://www.wizer.me, that let’s math teachers easily create their own digital learning materials and worksheets. It’s easy to include any multimedia source and a wide variety of question types.

    Students love the engaging interaction. Teachers love all the time saved by automatic grading and recording of scores.

    Give it a try and join the already 300+ community of math teachers on http://www.wizer.me


  40. Hi Julie,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog I Speak Math – Integrating Technology and Mathematics has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 100 Math Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 100 Math Blog on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the following badge on your blog. Use the below code to display this badge proudly on your blog.


  41. Hi Julie,

    I just launched a kickstarter campaign this morning for a children’s math game called Cypher Math. It’s easy to learn and adaptable to different children’s needs and abilities so all kids can feel success at their own level. I thought I would share. If you like it I hope you’ll spread the word. Thanks so much for your time. http://kck.st/2eXKtxw
    Evan Jaroslow

  42. Pingback: Desmos Activity Builder | Carmelle's Blog

  43. Pingback: First blog post (Goals 2017-2018)…a little late to the party – Site Title

  44. Hi Julie!

    I love your blog and all the resources/information you have offered! I attended your presentation this past Fall on Assessment with Desmos at NCCTM in Greensboro, NC. I was wondering if you could answer a question about the Desmos Test Mode App on Google Chrome. There is not a “Start Test” button when students launch the app; therefore, the computers are NOT locked on the Desmos screen throughout the test. However, when the Desmos Test Mode App is downloaded on an iPhone/Android, the “Start Test” button is visible and their phone is locked until they complete the test. Do you have any information about the Test Mode App on Google Chrome?

    Thank you!

  45. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas! I’m looking at the “Math Survivor” game and I don’t see any explanation of how the “voting people off” works. Maybe because I never watched Survivor, but I don’t understand what role that plays in the game.
    Thanks again!

  46. Hi! Is this your quote? – “As the year starts and we begin to see the amazing things other teachers are doing, please remember we can’t do all things. We each do different things. That doesn’t make any of us less than anyone else. There’s no one way to be a great teacher. You are enough. – Julie Reulbach”

  47. Hello! I am wondering if you could share how to access the geometry tool in the activity builder? I have seen several shared activities with geometry included, but can’t figure out where this exists in my custom activities. Thanks!!!

  48. I am really curious what your actual AP Calculus results are. You said they did well, but how well? Please email me with the details.

  49. Hi Julie! I’m not sure how often you check comments on this section of your page, but I began a blog of my own this past month (calcislife.com) and came across your page while reading math teacher blogs. I love the idea of MTBoS, but am wondering if it is still around? I don’t have a Twitter account, but the Twitter Math Camp website seems to be deactivated. Did MTBoS PD end during Covid? The website for MTBoS is active but I’m not sure when it was last updated? Anyways, I added myself to your list of Algebra II teachers – thank you for your work!

    • Hi! The MTBOS is really only active on Twitter these days, and not as much as it was, when TMC was still going and of course, pre-Covid. Although it is less active, there are still a bunch of great math teachers on Twitter. If you decide to join, just search the hashtag and you can follow all the teachers. I’ve found it’s the only way to do Twitter, especially recently.
      Good luck in Alg 2! And I’d love to see you on Twitter. I’m jreulbach. 🙂

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