Calling All Geometry and Algebra 2 Teachers

I’m teaching Geometry and Algebra 2 next year and would love to start collecting resources.  I would love to know what your favorite resources are for Algebra 2 and Geometry, including great blogs, books, websites and activities!  Please put it in the comments.  Thanks to Sam, who will also be teaching Geometry for the first time next year, and has already started collecting resources!

My school uses:

  1. Geometry Textbook:  Michael Serra: Discovering Geometry
  2. Algebra 2 Textbook:  Discovering Advanced Algebra – Kendall Hunt

In addition to putting resources in the comments, if you blog about teaching Geometry and/or Algebra 2, please put your info into the form below so I can follow your blog.  I would also love to post a Geometry and an Algebra 2 blog collection.  I need to expand my community.

Thanks in advance!

13 thoughts on “Calling All Geometry and Algebra 2 Teachers

  1. Julie – I posted a response in your form, but I wanted to add a comment. I listed Kate Nowak’s blog as a favorite resource because she always seems to have an intuitive way of teaching difficult concepts, and has developed easy-to-implement discovery strategies for many of them (I have used this website as a resource for Algebra 2.

    In Geometry, I have used patty paper explorations in recent years with success. They are fun, hands-on, and very visual. There are a lot of them in the DG textbook, and Michael Serra published a separate book on them as well.

    I have been teaching Geometry for 8 years; I am happy share any resources I have with you.


  2. Hi Julie and Wendy, I am also teaching geometry this fall. Our school is moving to block schedule next year. I taught geometry in the summer last year and the book used was PH Geometry (2001), I know, outdated but…… There are many sections in chapters that begin with an intro called “work together”. Much of it is hands on and there are even instructions for folding/cutting/labeling the papers to show a theorem. It really helped my students out when they would begin a section.

  3. Hi Julie,

    I had a wonderful year teaching Geometry with Jessica Murk (The Mathy Murk).
    I will totally fill your files, I just need to get through finals!
    Cheers, Amy

  4. Algebra II is a perfect time to talk about Projectile Motion when you cover the chapter on quadratic equations. I kinda make up my own stuff, but I would definitely suggest looking up stuff specifically to this. Students love it when you talk about missiles and things, and we even built miniature trebuchets for flinging paper balls.

  5. Julie…I just wanted to let you know that I have found a few great lessons for Algebra 2 in the Georgia Standards curriculum. My favorite is how the lesson for logs/chage of base and log properties was written. It really helped students understand what log is and how it its used.

    BTW…I just created my blog and haven’t had the guts to write my first post. I feel like it has to be amazing for the first one. Any suggestions?

  6. Nothing feels better than having some search ‘new science fiction book’ on Google and having you blog
    pop-up first (that is free by the way. Your creative mind and your words are the foundation of pursuing a career in literature.
    I needed to know the list of books I would need, the
    name of the authors and edition of the numbers.

  7. Thoughtful ideas . I loved the insight . Does someone know if my assistant could obtain a template a form form to use ?

What do you think?