Trigonometry Stations

I’m so excited to start trig again in Algebra 2!  We have a week long trig blitz where we review the trig ratios, inverses, special right triangles, and law of sines and cosines.  Some students needed more one on one review than others. Stations.jpg.png
So I decided to do a station activity to review the week.  I love station activities, as everyone can work at their own pace, check their answers as they work, and get one on one help from me when they need it.  Plus, they get to work individually and with other students and move around.  I created booklets for them to do the work for each station.  My students make one sheets at the end of each unit, so I put a blank one sheet template on the front of the booklet.  This way, they could take extra notes as they worked the problems.  It was pretty much a perfect teaching day!

Since they have studied all of these topics previously in Geometry, I wanted to push them a bit.  We did the ambiguous case (ASS) last year with the Law of Sines.  However this year, after the pre-calc teacher told me about using the law of cosines with an ASS triangle, I pushed my students to try it!  Some of them preferred the law of sines, but many saw the benefit to using the law of cosines.

This year I introduced the law of cosines as an alternate (and optional) challenge.  But next year, I am going to have them all use the law of sines to find a missing side of a 2 triangle ASS in order to frustrate them enough to BEG for a better way.  I will do this as a group activity on the large white boards so they can fuss with each other about how crazy the problem in, then I will sneak around to the groups and quietly suggest a better way.  Oh, teaching math can be so much fun!

Here are the stations I used.  I created QR codes that sent the students to the answer sheets.  Then I taped the codes to each station so students could check their answers as they went along.  And here is the booklet.  I wish I could do this everyday.



8 thoughts on “Trigonometry Stations

  1. Pingback: Quick and Easy Math Stations (aka – Pimp Your Worksheet) | I Speak Math

  2. This is a great idea that I hope to steal in the future (whenever our school Wi-Fi works again)! However, with students having access to the answers, did students try to just copy the answer, or did you require full work for credit?

    • This was for my honors class and they had a quiz the next day so I knew they would do the work. In addition to the answers I also fully work out the problems for the students. For a less motivated class (or middle school) I would definitely take this up and require work for a grade.

  3. Do you think that this activity would work week for kids in elementary too? Or will it be a bit too hard for the kids since maybe they will get easily distracted? I say this because I have seen that many kids in Elementary tend to get distracted easily either by their peers or by doing something else.

  4. Pingback: My Takeaways from #TMC16 | Continuous Everywhere but Differentiable Nowhere

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